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Chainess Brain's Gems

Jewelry cleaning is the best way to keep your jewelry looking new. The jewelry that you use on a daily basis is prone to getting dirty and losing its gleam hence the process of cleaning is vital to keep your precious jewelry at their tip top condition. Experts usually advise that you have your pieces assessed and cleaned every 6 months, particularly when it has stones or gems on it.

There are plenty of jewelry cleaning tips out there that could help keep the gems together and prevent your expensive belongings from falling apart. Some professional cleaning services also provides tightening of any loose gems that your jewelry may have. The setters can usually fix them for you within a short wait. Metal erosion and metal fatigue are also some reasons that make cleaning very important. Whether you’d like to maintain that stunning appearance of your pieces or you would like to have them looking their best to sell; here are some jewelry cleaning tips that could assist you obtain the best value for your jewelry.

  • Make sure that you put away the jewelry prior to taking a shower. This will help your jewelry to keep their shine as soap has a tendency of developing a film on them. This will leave your jewelry looking dull over time.
  • Utilize the best polishing cloths to enjoy the most excellent results with the cleaning for your gold and silver items. Make sure to use clothes that do not scratch the metal, hence you can be certain to have your jewelry looking as good as new after every cleaning.
  • Handle your jewelry with care when cleaning them by yourself. Utilizing the wrong products or method could rob the pieces of their amazing looks. You have to avoid using bleach at all cost. Instead, use rubbing alcohol and warm water to clean your jewelry without causing any harm to them.
  • When the jewelry are damaged—in which they are cracked or broken, you’d have to avoid cleaning them yourself as it can lead to more damages. Such jewelries have to be fixed first prior to cleaning and an expert setter could aid you with such services.
  • Have your jewelry checked on a daily basis to keep the damages at bay. The most excellent thing in regards to having experts clean your pieces— is that they could assess your jewelry during the cleaning process and provide you solutions to bounce them back into ideal condition and shape. If you value your pieces then make a point of having them assessed and cleaned by experts to keep it in mint condition.
  • You have to avoid cleaning porous gems like emerald, turquoise as well as opal with strong cleaning agents like detergent. This could affect the treatment that the stones come in as the gems could assimilate moisture that leads to change of their appearance.
  • Follow these jewelry cleaning tips properly and it will help enhance the looks of your expensive investments.
Stay tuned for more tips! xx

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